This page is designed to show what I've done that hasn't gone or can't go up on the web-site. Mostly, it's programming stuff.
July 16:
- I've finished my first game, from which I've learnt a great, great deal, mostly about the proper way of associating data. I'll start appropriating all my new knowledge into Cairn Hill right away.
- Got music working, using the DUMB sound library.
- I just started using C++ exception handling (try, throw, catch). I must say I'm very impressed. That's also going into Cairn Hill at my earliest convenience.
June 12:
- I've been working on Rex of Rags. So far, I've got a functioning map and gui and actors and all the little things you need to make a game run, except only the most basic level of scripting. I've run into scripting like a brick wall, to tell you the truth. Ah, but things are progressing well all the same, I think. On schedule, and whatnot.
- Oh, yes, and I've cleared up some problems I'd had with Allegro not working on certain computers. Seems Allegro fullscreen applications don't work too well on dual-monitor systems.
May 8:
- I've completely changed the underlying structure. Mostly I've transferred a lot of things to classes, because I'm a good OOP guy.
April 30:
- So, I was trying to add layers to the map, and somehow busted up my font-routines. I don't know how the Hell this has happened; maybe I'm running out of memory? I don't know. Oh, well: debug, debug, debug.
- Brighter note: I've finally got my 2d vector array initialization function working! Yay! I know, it's not that big of a deal, but since I had to introduce myself to a whole new concept, namely templates, I'm rather proud of myself.
April 23:
April 16:
- Still working on the map editor. It's going well. You can load and save and edit; all I really need support for is layers right now. No event scripting in the map engine yet, but I don't think I want it there anyway.
April 8:
- I'm done with the map engine, so you can have a little guy wandering around the map, it's very cute.
- Started on the map editor; that's also going well.
April 2:
- I'm slightly shifting focus: the goal now, is to make a very simple RPG engine, and increase it to a Cairn Hill-level functionality incrementally. I hope to have a functional RPG engine by mid-May. Cross your fingers.
March 19:
- I changed a font, and in so doing, screwed everything up. I've fixed it, now, but I can't get over this sinking "one step forward, one step back" feeling. Oh, well. I'll keep on trucking, whatever that means.
- I did manage to get the button done, the core of the gui, all properly coded and commented and everything. I know, it seems a small deal, but I've added a lot of functionality to this button and I hope it'll serve all sorts of purposes.
March 5, March 12:
- Strugged with Allegro. We're having difficulties, we are. It works fine for me, you see, but my programs won't run on certain other computers on which they should be running fine. I'll look into it; we'll see.
February 26:
- Right now I'm in the proccess of consolidating a lot of files into larger, more manageable units. Previously I had twenty different files, or so; I aim to have four by the time I'm done. While I was doing this, I thought I might as well be conscientious and comment everything, too.
- I'm completely finished wrapping Allegro, which may seem trivial but it requires a lot of planning, actually (at least, the way I do it).
- Started work on the GUI.
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