What's New
I aim to update this site on Wednesdays only. That's not to say it will be updated every Wednesday; just that, if it isn't updated then, it's not going to be updated at all that week. Please note that my definition of Wednesday may differ from yours; for me, Wednesday starts at about 3:00 p.m., and ends at about 7:00 a.m. on what is conventionally known as Thursday. Anyway, the point is, that if you check in post-noon-ish on Thursday, you may find new stuff. There may also be minor updates throughout the week, but these will be more like "fleshing out" sort of things, rather than any introduction of new material.
So, here's what I've got new this time (Sep 17, 2003):
- Here we go, something new: a description of the fae, or fairies if you prefer, the major supernatural race of Cairn Hill.
New last time (Late Aug, 2003):
- Let's all put our hands together for Vangelis, who's finished quite a lovely NPC editor. You can download it and take a gander at http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/cairnhill/ch_npcedit_1.zip?download. Please keep in mind, though, that it only works on Win32 systems; that's means no go for Mac users (rest assured, the actual game will (should) have support for at least OS/X). It's more a developer's tool, but if you feel like making an NPC, and are either a control freak or simply inclined to make me do a little less work, you're encouraged to use it. Once again, thanks to Vangelis.
New the time before last (Aug 13, 2003):
- Well, it's been quite a long time since I last put something up here. Sorry about that. From now on, I make no promises about having something every Wednesday. The fact is that, except for the magic section, I'm done with most of the stuff that would be interesting to put up (that's why the long delay, actually). Again, sorry.
- I've had an offer of help from a programmer, Vangelis. Hats off to him, all. He'll be working on an NPC editor, so hopefully if all goes well you'll be able to actually create a "real" NPC, not just a tiny blurb, sometime soon. Three cheers.
- I've made some minor cosmetic changes here and there.
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