Cabbala spells are divided into four main types: spells for creating potions, spells for creating charms, summoning spells, and warding spells.
Potions are substances which, when imbibed or injected, convey on those who consume them magical powers. To create a potion, you must roll Alchemy + Alchemy (yes, the Alchemy score is used twice; your proficiency in Alchemy is so important to the construction of potions, that all other statistics are comparatively unimportant).
[ The section on potions will remain a little inexact until I finally go to the bother of reading a book on herbalism and the supposed magical properties of substances. ]
Charms are items which have been imbued with power through ritual and inscription. Usually the inscription can be varied to achieve different results. Usually, the role is Dexterity or Artistry (whichever is higher) + Academics.