The Werewolf

Rhea is a werewolf, a human with the power and curse of changing into a wolf, whether at will, or against it. When she changes, she is not an ordinary wolf, but one of great physical strength, stamina, exceptionally intelligent, and with no fear of humans or guns. At the time, her greatest emotions are confusion, fear, and savage blood-lust.
It is important to realize that the wolf does not "take over her mind." When she is transformed, the wolf and Rhea are the same, sharing the same identity. Her personality and reason isn't lost, or submerged; it is only changed, just like her body.
This change can happen at any time, but there are certain things which make it more likely: she is more likely to change at night, under a full moon, when in danger, or when fighting. Any raising of the hackles, any aggressive or defensive behaviour, can bring on the change.
When changed, Rhea's most animal instincts take over: when faced with conflict, her only options are to fight or flee. Attempting to, in any way, prevent her suppress her instinctive reaction, is very taxing.
Silver deals vicious damage to werewolves in their wolf forms: it is almost as if their flesh were trying to escape contact with the metal, and flees before it.
The wolf into which a werewolf changes is not a normal wolf. It is much larger, stronger, vicious, and solitary than a normal wolf.
External links:
Werewolf Legends from Germany: A collection folk tales and legends regarding the werewolf.
In-game effects:
- Under certain conditions, Rhea will transform into a werewolf; she can fight this transformation by rolling fortitude, at a difficulty dependent on the circumstances of the transformation (usually 70+). Fighting the transformation is optional, and there is there are no bad consequences associated with failure.
- Rhea's physical prowess greatly increases, and her combat manoeuvres to accomadate her new form ("punch" becomes "bite", for example). She gains 4 strength, 5 agility, and a new health chart (below). She can see well in the dark, and her sense of hearing and smell increase: she gains 1 perception. Her stealth also increases by 2.
- At the same time as her physical strength grows, her mental abilities slacken. She loses 6 points from Intelligence, and all her social and intellectual skills are reduced by 7.
- In her lupine form, Rhea takes severe damage from silver. All damage done to her by any silver weapon is doubled, and is considered critical.
- As a wolf, Rhea can only carry one thing at a time, and even then most items cannot be used in any way.
- When confronted with something that might constitute prey, Rhea's initial reaction will be to attack (the player loses control). To retain control, she must roll fortitude (standard difficulty: 55; some factors apply). If she wins this roll, the player will continue to control her and play will proceed as normal; if not, the player loses control of Rhea, she immediately attacks the prey, and the player regains control when combat is resolved. If Rhea unsuccessfully contests her instincts (i.e., if the player elects to roll, and fails), she loses 1 point of fortitude.
- In her wolf form, Rhea cannot use any magic beyond a level equal to her current intelligence (including the penalty inflicted by the transformation).
- If, in human form, Rhea's health ever falls to or below 7 health points bruising, she will immediately transform into a wolf (she can still fight this transformation, if she likes, though at +10 difficulty).
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