Known NPCs

The following is a list of all the NPCs in Cairn Hill of which the player should know at the beginning of the game. In other words, it contains no spoiler information.

At Hearthstone Manor

Zosimus Hearthstone
The head of the Hearthstone family, Zosimus Hearthstone, is ill. He is quite nearly one hundred years old, and time has finally caught up with him. The doctors count his time in weeks.
Zosimus was headstrong and difficult as a child. He rebelled against his parents openly, and was more than once banned from the manor. He cavorted with demons and angels alike, in all sorts of ways. His talent was innate and remarkable, and he quickly became one of the most powerful wizards in the world.
Freddie is the main servant of the Hearthstone family. He respects and fears the Hearthstones and keeps his distance from them as much as possible. He is generally well-liked by the family, and is favoured enough to have learnt a great deal of the shadier side of things. He does not exactly condone such things, but fear and his natural unconcern help to keep him from prying too much. He is well-comported, though not officious, when on the job, and fun and carefree at all other times. He is more inclined towards the more social characters, Harold and Morrigan, and has some respect for Betty. Frederic is in his late thirties.
Abby served as the children's nurse when they were still young enough to require one. Since then she has served as washerwoman; her duties are relatively light, and she spends most of the day reading or listening to music in the nursery, which she keeps from disrepair. She was employed when quite young, and remains so in temperament if not in body. She is kept on partly in return for the care she has given the children, and partly because it is assumed that when they have children of their own, she will care for them. She still loves the children very much, but has grown estranged from Arthur, Betty, and Rhea. It is possible that her affection for Harold is a little more than platonic or matronly; at any rate, this is a possibility which Harold seems eager to explore and exploit.
Good Jack
Jack was once one of the Hearthstone's most reliable servants (thus earning his nickname, to distinguish him from Squat Jack, below). He was so trusted, in fact, that when Betty absconded from her school in Paris, it was he who was sent to find her. But, it was she who found him, and he was already dead at the time, although he isn't now. He had been robbed of his valuables and killed, but Betty returned him to a very nearly perfect semblance of life. She then sent him back off to the family as a forward scout (without, of course, neglecting to instil in him an unhealthy amount of wonder, fear, and lust). Good Jack has been working at the Hearthstones' for some two years since the disappearance, longing for an opportunity to make himself useful to his mistress. He'll soon get his chance. Jack is a talkative, attentive man who actively tries to befriend people. He is, perhaps, a little too low-brow in his humour (for the Hearthstones, anyway), but that's precisely what Betty likes about him.
Mulgard is a hunchback who revels in his role as mad-scientist's lackey, even going so far as to change his name to the outlandish "Mulgard" (he was born "Robert"). He idolizes Arthur and is very thankful to have him return. Unlike most who have been consumed by a role, Mulgard is quite conscious of what he has gained and lost by doing so; he loves nothing more than to debate with people the pros and cons of his decision. Mulgard pretends to be crazier than he really is (though he is admittedly a little crazy). While ostensibly in the employ of the family (he eats, at any rate, their food, and sleeps on a bed provided by them), Mulgard is really just Arthur's errand boy. Arthur is not cruel to him by any means, but at the same time hardly recognizes his existence (though he certainly does not neglect to make use of his proffered services). Mulgard is, admittedly, a comic-relief sort of character (as are most of the "helpmeets"), but there is tragedy in him as well.
Ipswith is a man of extreme pretension and affectation. As a result, practically everyone mocks and teases him. One of the most-played games around the house is "hide Ipswith's gloves"; although it cannot nearly compare to "tell Lucifer that Ipswith stole his dinner." Most of the members of the household seem to find it uproariously funny to watch Ipswith calmly try to reason with the demented and by then quite irate child. Morrigan is the only member of the family who has never (ever) insulted him (she considers such things to be beneath her), and he has devoted himself to her entirely. He is, of course, a man of deep personal sensitivity.
Squat Jack
Squat Jack is the family's coachman, and he also attends the horses. He is sluggish and smokes heavily; he has an outlandish corn-cob pipe which dangles from his mouth at all times. He wears a long, heavy, coarse jacket, only taking it off during the hottest days of summer. He dislikes talking and being talked to; but has grown as accustomed to it, with time, and can hold his own in a conversation if he really needs to. Squat Jack got his name from his tendency to squat, appropriately enough; he once explained that he squatted because, during the course of his day, he had to sit so much, and squatting was good for the leg muscles which atrophied when he was driving.

In the Woods

Sylvia lives in a small hut in the woods on the Hearthstone estate. Although she takes pride and sees usefulness in the common characterization of her as a "crazy old witch", she does not see herself as warranting it. She is simply someone who has kept up the old beliefs. Sylvia is straight-forward on matters of concern to her, but talks in riddles about anything which bores her, mostly to drive off the other participant in the conversation. Rhea is really the only one who can get anything useful out of her. Their relationship is one of mutual goal, respect, and trust. They are quite friendly.

In Neath

All the characters currently in Neath are the creation of Anton van Hamel, though like the rest of the game, they are all PD. I'm just giving credit where it's due.

Ted Burns
Ted Proprietor of the town's only inn and largest bar, the Fox Hole. Ted is a very amiable man, particularly to those who patronize his business; it is rare to see him without a smile. He is in his late forties and has bright red hair peppered with white. He loves to talk about the town's history and denizens, but isn't fond of gossiping about personal matters.
Olive Burns
Daughter of Ted and twin sister of Cordelia Burns, Olive is a bright and cheerful woman. She works in the bar: her main duty is waitressing, though she does also do some of the cleaning and cooking required by the inn. She is eager to talk with the customers though determined to get more information out of a conversation than she gives to it.
Cordelia Burns
Less attractive and witty than her twin sister, Olive, Cordelia is a little reserved. She works mostly in the inn, cleaning and cooking, though she does occasionally waitress as well. She is not stupid, nor even any less intelligent than Olive, but because she keeps to herself few know that. Though shy, Cordelia is glad to make friends.
Father Gabriel
Fr. Gabriel's a local pastor; a more precise description will come when it's ready.
Pearl's a local prostitute; a more precise description will come when it's written.

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