In Neath
All the characters currently in Neath are the creation of Anton van Hamel, though like the rest of the game, they are all PD. I'm just giving credit where it's due.
- Ted Burns
- Ted Proprietor of the town's only inn and largest bar, the Fox Hole. Ted is a very amiable man, particularly to those who patronize his business; it is rare to see him without a smile. He is in his late forties and has bright red hair peppered with white. He loves to talk about the town's history and denizens, but isn't fond of gossiping about personal matters.
- Olive Burns
- Daughter of Ted and twin sister of Cordelia Burns, Olive is a bright and cheerful woman. She works in the bar: her main duty is waitressing, though she does also do some of the cleaning and cooking required by the inn. She is eager to talk with the customers though determined to get more information out of a conversation than she gives to it.
- Cordelia Burns
- Less attractive and witty than her twin sister, Olive, Cordelia is a little reserved. She works mostly in the inn, cleaning and cooking, though she does occasionally waitress as well. She is not stupid, nor even any less intelligent than Olive, but because she keeps to herself few know that. Though shy, Cordelia is glad to make friends.
- Father Gabriel
- Fr. Gabriel's a local pastor; a more precise description will come when it's ready.
- Pearl
- Pearl's a local prostitute; a more precise description will come when it's written.